#124 Season 10 Finale: Leaders on a Mission – Insights That Will Inspire You

In this episode 114 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi introduces the season 10 Leaders on a Mission and the extraordinary guests.

#123 Shaping the Future of Work with Fractional Leadership with Karina Mikhli

In this episode 123 of "Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life," I sit down with Karina Mikhli, a leader in this Fractional space, to share her journey and expertise.

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#122 Unlocking Capital for African Startups with Ghita Zniber

In this episode 121 of "Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life," Aravinda Seshadri, Founding Partner of Venturous Counsel shares her journey from Stanford Law School to founding a unique law firm dedicated to supporting underrepresented and marginalized founders in the tech industry.

#121 Providing Legal Support to Underrepresented Founders with Aravinda Seshadri

In this episode 121 of "Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life," Aravinda Seshadri, Founding Partner of Venturous Counsel shares her journey from Stanford Law School to founding a unique law firm dedicated to supporting underrepresented and marginalized founders in the tech industry.

#120 Building thriving ecosystems for entrepreneurs in Africa with Karim Sy

In this #120 episode of "Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life," I had the delight of speaking with Karim Sy, a serial entrepreneur and founder of Jokkolabs.

#119 The Power of Storytelling to Create Change with Dr Constance Scharff

In episode 119 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life, I am delighted to have Constance Scharff, a global leader in mental health research and the founder of The Human Resilience Project.

#118 From Social Justice to Social Entrepreneurship with Olatokunbo Ige

In episode 118 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life, I have an inspiring conversation with Olatokunbo Ige, a former international human rights lawyer turned social entrepreneur.

#117 Creating Life-Changing Job Opportunities with Matt Parfitt

In this episode 117 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Matt Parfitt, Founder and CEO of Grace Enterprises. Matt shares his transition from primary school teacher to social entrepreneur, detailing how his faith-driven mission has led to the creation of several successful social enterprises

312, 2024

Purpose-Driven Advent Calendar 2024

Each day until 25th December, this calendar will guide you through small, meaningful steps to: ✅ Reflect on your achievements from 2024 and refine your vision for 2025. ✅ Empower yourself and your team with impactful activities. ✅ Commit to sustainable, mindful growth. Come here every day and click on the number of the day to discover a

2110, 2024

#122 Unlocking Capital for African Startups with Ghita Zniber

In this episode 121 of "Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life," Aravinda Seshadri, Founding Partner of Venturous Counsel shares her journey from Stanford Law School to founding a unique law firm dedicated to supporting underrepresented and marginalized founders in the tech industry.

1609, 2024

#117 Creating Life-Changing Job Opportunities with Matt Parfitt

In this episode 117 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Matt Parfitt, Founder and CEO of Grace Enterprises. Matt shares his transition from primary school teacher to social entrepreneur, detailing how his faith-driven mission has led to the creation of several successful social enterprises

209, 2024
  • 115 Chris Marquis and Francine Beleyi talk on MWML podcast

#115 Exposing How Businesses Profit at Society’s Expense with Chris Marquis

In this episode 115 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, with Christopher Marquis, Sinyi Professor at the University of Cambridge Judge School of Business and author of the book “The Profiteers: How Business Privatises Profits and Socialises Costs” shares how to create responsible and regenerative business models and the role of leadership in driving systemic change.

703, 2024

Communique de Presse – Top 20 Des Femmes Inspirantes de African Diaspora Professional Women (ADIPWO) 2024

Découvrez le Top 20 des Femmes Professionnelles Inspirantes de la Diaspora Africaine 2024, élaboré par Francine Beleyi. Célébrant les contributions significatives de femmes africaines dans divers secteurs. Pour la liste complète, visitez www,francinebeleyi.com/adipwo

2410, 2023

#109 Empowerment Through Employee Advocacy with Kristin Bell

In this episode 109 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Kristin Bell, global diversity, equity, and inclusion executive, a tech entrepreneur shares her mission to create avenues of opportunity for those who have been systemically excluded, underserved, and underestimated.

1710, 2023

#108 Why Companies and Employees Have to Grow Together | Kya Energy Group

In this episode 108 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Professor Yao Azumah, Managing Director of Kya Energy Group and Sylvie Shikpe, DC shared how fostering personal branding and employee advocacy not only empower a team, but also authentically communicate a company's mission and impact.

2609, 2023

#105 Be Prepared to Be Uncomfortable with Jessica Pharm

In this episode 105 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, my guest is Jessica Pharm, an HR professional, founder, and CEO of Blackness in the Workplace, as well as a podcast host advocating for equality in the workplace who has established a platform to amplify black voices and experiences.

1209, 2023

#103 What’s Needed to Transform Employees into Advocates

Welcome to Season 9 of the Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast! I'm thrilled to be back, diving into the heart of what makes work truly meaningful. In this season, Francine Beleyi & her guests discuss employee advocacy and employee ambassadors.

2504, 2023

Win-Win Personal Branding Inside Corporate

How can I help? With 25 years of multicultural and multidisciplinary experience, I am passionate about empowering leaders, founders and organisations to increase their visibility and profitability in order to make a bigger impact in the world. My unique expertise is at the intersection of digital transformation, coaching, marketing and branding, with a master’s degree in organisational consulting and

1304, 2023

How to Empower Your Employees to Become Your Best Advocates: A Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Change

Your company may have a great product that your customers love. But do you also have a great company culture that your employees are inspired by and excited to come to work to become your brand ambassadors? Or are they leaving your organisation, and you have no idea how to retain them? In today's competitive business landscape, organisations increasingly

2803, 2023

How to Align You purpose as Employee with Your Company Purpose

https://youtu.be/eUd7VYWCCPU 😨Are you having nightmares retaining your best talents? Well, aligning employees’ individual purpose to the company purpose might be just what you need. In this video, I share 4 ideas to better align individual and company purposes for a win-win relationship. Which of the 4 ideas do you like the most? I offer a range of solutions

2803, 2023

7 Skills you’ll Develop whilst Building your Personal Branding

https://youtu.be/kPX4MtjT0r0 💡 Did you know that developing your personal branding can help you develop seven important skills that are crucial to advance your career today? 🔥Find out more about these 7 skills in this video. Which skill are you most like to master? If you are: ✔️a business leader, whether a corporate executive ✔️a founder ✔️a consultant ✔️a

2912, 2022

My Year 2022 Review – Key Moments

We can be so busy running for the next thing that we forget to stop to celebrate our wins; no matter how small, they are a stepping stone toward the bigger picture. As we are fast approaching 2023, let’s take the time to reflect on our achievements and lessons learned to make the most out of the new year.

2203, 2022
  • 94 MWML podcast Caitriona Ellis w

#94 Can Money Buy You Freedom with Caitriona Ellis

In this episode 94 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Caitriona Ellis about the financial implications of the great resignation and how to be financially savvy.

401, 2022

🔥13 Personal Branding Trends That Will Make You Stand Out In 2022

As a CEO, a business professional or an entrepreneur, establishing your reputation via a credible personal branding rooted in your expertise is becoming increasingly de rigueur. Personal branding is a process of communicating who you are, your vision, what you stand for and why people should care. In a research paper published by Wioleta Kucharska, Assistant Professor at Gdansk

2912, 2021

🛑 My Year 2021 In Review 🛑

We sometimes tend to forget or underestimate what we’ve achieved in a year. It is a good practice at the end of the year to look back to reflect and write down what we have achieved instead of being defeated by what we haven’t been able to do. This helps us carry positive energy into the new year.If you haven’t

2312, 2021

Merry Xmas 2021

As the year 2021 is drawing to a close, I’d love to take a moment to thank you for being part of my journey this year. This year may have been either rewarding or challenging to you but either way, I invite you to take the time to celebrate whatever you’ve been able to accomplish and celebrate, no matter

2206, 2021

7 Questions to Define Your Mission

❤️ One of the things that bring me the most joy is when my private clients or attendees in my workshops and training create their Personal Mission Statement (PMS). The PMS is the first step when you clearly identify and articulate who you really are, your mission and the values that guide you to do what you do. I

1201, 2021

What is your Genius?

How is it possible that people leave their cushy jobs to become their own boss but are still unhappy in a job that they created for themselves? I recently attended a gathering of entrepreneurs when the speaker asked how many people loved their job. Surprisingly only a handful of people raised their hand. This may sound puzzling, but the

2412, 2020

Merry Xmas 2020

🎄I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021.🌟 We've been through a lot this year, now is the time to recenter and take a bit of time to reflect on the past year and get ready to welcome 2021. 😘 https://youtu.be/GSP_UKMjubk About Francine Beleyi I am Francine Beleyi, digital strategist, business mentor and personal branding

1011, 2020
  • 85 MWML podcast Francine Beleyi talks with Alison Brown

#85 Your Journey of Wealth Empowerment Starts Here With Alison Brown

In this episode 85 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Alison Brown, is a wealth empowerment coach and real estate investor . In this conversation, Alison shares why any woman should feel comfortable dealing with money and not delegating it to others.

311, 2020
  • ep 84 MWML podcast Francine Beleyi talks with Stephanie Bousley

#84 You Are Not Your Debt: Stop Punishing Yourself for Your Past Decisions with Stephanie Bousley

In this episode 84 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Stephanie Bousley, a millennial who once found herself in over $250,000 student loans and then found her way out of it. She wrote a financial self-help book Buy the Avocado Toast: How to Crush Student Debt, Make More Money, and Live Your Best Life. She helps the reader find inventive, out of the box way to improve their money and self-worth.

2710, 2020
  • MWML podcast Shift Mindset that keeps you broke

#83 How Do You Shift Your Mindset That Keeps You Broke with DeShena Woodard

In this episode 83 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with DeShena Woodard. She is a personal finance blogger, debt freedom coach, certified life coach, speaker, and the founder of the Extravagantly Broke website. She encourages women to crush debt and pursue their passions. Her specialty is debt freedom and is passionate about teaching people there is a better way.

2110, 2020
  • 82 MWML podcast web Get to the root cause of money problems

#82 How to Get to the Root Cause of Your Money Problems with Jane Ysadora

In this episode 82 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Jane Ysadora, a transformational money coach who went from broke single mum to become a financial consultant, making a six-figure income. She shares how to reach the root emotional cause of why they struggle with money and work with their trauma.

1310, 2020
  • 81 MWML Regaining Financial Control After Trauma with Cherry Tung

#81 Regaining Financial Control After Trauma with Cherry Tung

In this episode 81 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Cherry Tung, a wealth coach who helps people to build wealth beyond their nine to five with multiple income streams. Cherry maintains a full-time job with consistent five-figure months coaching business and 16 income streams.

2909, 2020
  • MWML podcast 79 Breaking Free From Debt Through Internal Transformation

#79 Breaking Free From Debt Through Internal Transformation with Ramesha Nicole

In this episode 79 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Ramesha Nicole, an international teacher, transformational speaker and coach. She helps high achieving women shift their perspective to get free from their debt by giving them the tools needed to pay their debt off for real this time.

2209, 2020
  • 78 MWML podcast Rocky Lalvani Becoming millionaire

#78 Becoming A Millionaire: A Dream Come True with Rocky Lalvani

In this episode 78 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Rocky Lalvani, a multimillionaire who has built wealth the old-fashioned way, through an automated system. He helps business owners to make wise financial decisions and ensure that the business is profitable immediately, and everyone gets paid without the need to analyze financial reports.

1509, 2020
  • 77 MWML podcast The More Money You Have They More You Can Contribute to Others with Tina Van Leuven

#77 The More Money You Have They More You Can Contribute to Support Others with Tina Van Leuven

In the episode 76 of Meaningful work Meaningful life Podcast, Francine Beleyi is in a conversation with Shireen Jaffa, CEO and founder of EDVO, a venture backed education technology company to help people think better and learn better. She shares her success as well as her tribulations in raising money as a woman of colour. More importantly she reveals the mindset shift she had to make about money to succeed.

809, 2020
  • 76 MWML Why women of colour dont get VC money - Shireen Jaffer

#76 Why Women of Colour Don’t Get VC Money and What to Do Instead with Shireen Jaffer

In the episode 76 of Meaningful work Meaningful life Podcast, Francine Beleyi is in a conversation with Shireen Jaffa, CEO and founder of EDVO, a venture backed education technology company to help people think better and learn better. She shares her success as well as her tribulations in raising money as a woman of colour. More importantly she reveals the mindset shift she had to make about money to succeed.

3108, 2020

#75 You Are the Boss of Your Money. Make It Work for You with Christine Teh

In episode 75 of the Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Christine Teh. Christine is a personal finance coach who helps working professionals get their finances in order. She quit her job without knowing whether she would have enough income to cover her living expenses to become a full time personal financial coach. She now successfully helps transform people's relationship with their finances.

1808, 2020
  • Mastering-the-Inner-Game-of-Wealth-

#73 Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth with Dr Brad Klontz

In this episode 73 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Dr. Brad Klontz, clinical psychologist, professor and author who shares fundamental aspects of psychology of wealth and why his mission in life is to help others achieve financial success.

2207, 2020

#71 You Only Live Once with Thomas Fabbri

In this episode 71 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Thomas Fabbri, adventurer, author, speaker, fitness guru Strategist who shares how he overcame three divorces, jail, drugs, alcohol, bankruptcy, homelessness, to become a major airline captain.

707, 2020

#69 Stepping in Your True Identity with Megha Bradley

In this episode 69 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Megha Bradley, a Business & Life Transformation Strategist who shares the extraordinary circumstances that led her to focus on helping transform generational cycles of abuse and poverty.

3006, 2020
  • MWML podcast Amy Lynn Durham Create magic at work web

#68 You Can Rewrite Your Story with Amy Lynn Durham

In this episode 68 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Amy Lynn Durham, Executive Coach & Leadership Development expert. She is the author of the book 'Create Magic At Work’. She shares why she is passionate to create magic at work by bringing heart and human connection to the workplace.

2206, 2020
  • MWML podcast Dr Wale Akinyemi web

#67 There is No Point in Dying if You Never Lived with Dr Wale Akinyemi

In this episode 67 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Dr Wale Akinyemi, Chief Transformation Officer at PowerTalks. In this conversation, you'll discover why Wale is passionate about raising a movement of transformation thinkers and transforming Africa one mind at a time.

1606, 2020
  • MWML podcast Andreea Vanacker

#66 It’s Time to Reignite the Spark in Your life with Andreea Vanacker

In this episode 66 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Dr Andreea Vanacker, CEO at SPARKX5, entrepreneur, keynote, speaker and author. Andreea shares her journey and the key insights of her book 'Vitality: Life and Leadership insights'. .

806, 2020
  • MWML podcast Taking a Stand for Others with Nabou Fall

#65 Taking a Stand for Others with Nabou Fall

In this episode 65 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Nabou Fall, CEO of the PR/advertising company Vizeo, co-founder of an incubator for entrepreneurs Impact Hub Abidjan, writer, trainer, and speaker. In this conversation, you'll discover why Nabou is passionate about helping African women to find their voices .

106, 2020
  • MWML Unmasking Your Limitations with Kaye Duran

#64 Unmasking Your Limitations with Kaye Doran

In this episode 64 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Kaye Doran, an entrepreneur and women’s leadership & life coach. You’ll discover why Kaye believes that we all have the power of change in our hands

1905, 2020
  • MWML podcast Using Your Struggles to Reframe Your Life Story with Bobby Herrera

#63 Using Your Struggles to Reframe Your Life Story with Bobby Herrera

In this episode 63 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Bobby Herrera, CEO of Populus Group, storyteller and author of the book The Gift of Struggle: Life-Changing Lessons. In this conversation, you'll discover the struggles and leadership journey that led Bobby to build a $500+million organisation and a thriving community and how you too can apply some of his lessons to become the leader you want to be.

505, 2020
  • MWML podcast How to Align your purpose with Heather McGowan web

#62 How to Align Your Purpose to the Marketplace with Heather McGowan

In this episode 62 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Heather McGowan, international keynote speaker and author of the book The Adaptation Advantage to provide valuable insights on how to adapt in this fast-moving world.

505, 2020
  • MWML podcast Step into Your Power with Isabelle Methot web

#61 Step into Your Power with Isabelle Methot

In this episode 61 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Isabelle Methot, CEO and founder of Ellipse. She helps francophone entrepreneurs, executives and leaders to break language barriers with the competency and confidence required. Isabelle explains that what she struggled with the most in life is the exact same skill she is helping her students with now.

2704, 2020
  • MWML podcast What You See and Perceive Can Change the World with Janie Duquette - Janie Duquette

#60 What You See and Perceive Can Change the World with Janie Duquette

In this episode 60of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Janie Duquette, a former lawyer, ex artist manager and now the founder of the Academie du Leadership Feminin (Academy of Women's Power). Janie shares why she is passionate about supporting women in diversity and turning women into rock stars.

1304, 2020
  • Uncover the Hidden Secrets Behind Online Mega Launches

#58 Uncover the Hidden Secrets Behind Online Mega Launches with Tom Morkes

In this episode 58 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Tom Morkes, one of the most brilliant minds behind some of the most successful and profitable marketing and sales campaigns in the past decade. We talk about online launches, internet, social media, health and much more.

604, 2020
  • MWML Your Personalised Path to Health with Jo Formosa web

#57 Why You Should Follow Your Personalised Path to Health with Jo Formosa

In this episode 57 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Jo Formosa, a renowned Ayurvedic practitioner and the founder of Health Dynamics, a personalised path to health. We talk about how she moved a very traditional offline model like a health practice online and the transformational results of the group programs that she is running.

2403, 2020
  • Francine Beleyi How to Follow the Flow of Energy to Achieve Your Goals in Tough Times MWML podcast

#55 How to Follow the Flow of Energy to Achieve Your Goals in Tough Times

In this episode 55 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi provides insights on Do you sometimes feel that no matter what you try, you are still stuck in inertia and can't get anything moving? In today's episode, I am bringing you some practical ways to manage your time by adopting the rhythm of nature to achieve your goals with less resistance.

303, 2020
  • Francine Beleyi Dream to Action MWML podcast web

#53 From Dream to Action with Your Mission Statement

In this episode 51 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi provides insights about how to manage priorities when everything seems to be important. You’ll learn top three tips to stay on the top of things and discover one essential tool to sort out your most important priorities.

2002, 2020
  • Dr John P Wilson and Francine Beleyi MWML podcast - Dream it do it

#52 If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It with Dr John P. Wilson

In this episode 52 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Dr John P. Wilson, author of the book Dream Your Life Your Future and discuss the power of imagination and dream to become more productive at work and in life.

1202, 2020
  • Francine Beleyi MWML podcast - Time management

#51 How to Prioritise Avoid the Overwhelm When Everything Is Important

In this episode 51 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi provides insights about how to manage priorities when everything seems to be important. You’ll learn top three tips to stay on the top of things and discover one essential tool to sort out your most important priorities.

2301, 2020
  • It's time to dream again in 2020 with Francine Beleyi

#50 It’s Time to Dream Again

In this episode 50 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi invite us to start dreaming again. I know that some of you have started the year 2020 with big fat juicy goals, aspiration and desire you want to accomplish this year and the next decade but I also know that for some you, this is an excruciating exercise. You are not sure about your dream or how to articulate it in a way that it becomes your driving force in life. Find out how to start dreaming again.

2001, 2020

20 Days into 2020 – What I am Grateful for in 2019 & What I am Looking Forward to in 2020

20 Days Into 2020: Looking Back and Moving Forward https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz3cDzqHyp1/ Almost 20 days into 2020, the year has started on steroids. A lot has begun, and there are much more in the pipeline. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all, my clients, guests, readers, listeners, connections but also my friends and mentors for a great

3012, 2019
  • Mo Haque & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast- Choosing to stay

#48 Choosing to Stay: Pitch for Life with Mo Haque

In this episode 48 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Mo Haque is a Keynote Speaker and author of Choosing to Stay. He joins me in this last episode of 2019 to share his stories of hope, love, and gratitude. as he crowdfunded over £186,000 to access the potentially life-saving drug.

2312, 2019
  • Mimi Kalinda, power of narrative, Changing the Narrative of Africa, storytelling, authenticity

#47 The Power of Narrative: Owning Your Own Story with Mimi Kalinda

In this episode 47 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Mimi Kalinda, is the co-founder of Africa Communications Media Group. Mimi is passionate about giving Africans a voice to counter the stereotypical image people all over the world have of Africa and Africans. Listen to this inspiring episode to find out why Mimi is so passionate about being part of the narrative movement.

1712, 2019
  • Michael Ballard & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast - Building resiliency for life

#46 Building Resiliency: Learn How to Bounce Back with Michael H. Ballard

In this episode 46 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Michael Ballard, President and CEO of Resiliency for Life. Michael helps individuals, schools, communities, and businesses. He shares how to prepare for, deal with, and recover from adversity.

812, 2019
  • Gregory Copploe & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast- The art of being whole

#45 There Is a Lesson in Our Pain with Gregory Copploe

In this episode 45 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Gregory Copploe, a Poet, Artist, Transformative Life Coach and author of the book The Art of Being Whole. His goal is simple: to help you re-imagine your life. Listen to this raw and soulful episode where he shares how he moved from a dark place to now being passionate about leading the awakening movement for himself and others.

212, 2019
  • Ian Woodhouse & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast

#44 The World Needs Everybody’s Unique Gift with Ian Woodhouse [The MECHANICS]

In this episode 44 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with an Woodhouse, business coach for healthcare professionals. He is a Mechanic profile, the last of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles. He shares how he struggled to fit in as an introvert in a flashy sales/marketing role and how discovering his profile enabled him to embrace his strengths and values.

2611, 2019
  • Nancy Lee Ma & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast

#43 Are You Living Someone Else’s Dream with Nancy Lee Ma [The LORD]

In this episode 43 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Nancy Lee Ma, CPA who teaches small business owners and entrepreneurs how to make more money, keep it, and grow it so they never have to worry about not enough again. Nancy is a Lord from the Wealth Dynamics profiling system and share how discovering her profile enables her to accept who she is and the gifts she has to offer.

2111, 2019
  • How to become a significand brand with a small budget - Dr Peter Steidl - Francine Beleyi

Episode 2 What Is Neurobranding and Why Should Marketers Care

In this episode 2 of ‘The Science Behind What Makes People Buy’ you’ll discover how to become a significant brand even on a small budget, find small niches and craft the right messages to get the attention of your ideal audience .

1911, 2019
  • Louise Mosley & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast

#42 You Can’t Put Your Life on Hold with Louise Mosley [The ACCUMULATOR]

In this episode 42 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Louise Mosley who help corporate escapees grow their business by reconnecting with their WHY and using their unique skills and talents. Louise is Accumulator from the Wealth Dynamics profiling system and share how she uses her profile to stay in flow.

1111, 2019
  • Karen Revell & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast web

#41 Awareness Is Key with Karen Revell [The TRADER]

In this episode 41 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Karen Revell, money and mindset coach who work with service-based entrepreneurs, and business leaders to help unlock their wealth. Karen is a Trader from the Wealth Dynamics profiling system and share how she uses her profile to stay in flow

411, 2019
  • Gabriel Uribe & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast

#40 Serve and Create Wealth with Gabriel Uribe [The DEALMAKER]

In this episode 40 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Gabriel Uribe, a Conscious Leader and Wealth Sculptor. He serves business owners to recognize their greatness and act accordingly. Gabriel is a Supporter profile with a strong Dealmaker wing from the Wealth dynamics system and explains how he uses this advantage to be unique in his field.

3010, 2019
  • Michelle Clarke & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast

#39 Do What You Love That People Value with Michelle Clarke [The SUPPORTER]

In this episode 39 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Michelle Clarke who is Global Partnerships Manager at GeniusU and Co-founder of Talent Dynamics specialising in accelerating the levels of trust and flow in organisations. Michelle is a Supporter profile from the Wealth dynamics system and explains she stays in flow,.

2210, 2019
  • Catherine Ord & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast

#38 You Can Choose Again with Catherine Ord [The STAR]

In this episode 38 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Catherine Ord, the founder of the Wealth Vector System, a transformative card system based on the timeless wisdom of the I-Ching and Wealth Dynamics to help entrepreneurs and leaders navigate change, gain clarity and focus in order to make better decisions. Catherine is a Star profile from the Wealth dynamics system

1510, 2019
  • Marie Ruzicka & Francine Beleyi MWML podcast

#37 Get Out of The Ordinary with Marie Ruzicka [The CREATOR]

In this episode 37 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is in conversation with Marie Ruzicka, International Transformational Leader and Best-selling Author, host of the Catalyst for Joy and creator of the Magikal Land of [Awe]some Podcast. Marie is a Creator, the first profile of the Wealth Dynamics system and she shares how discovering her profile was life changing.

910, 2019
  • Wealth dynamics MWML podcast

#36 Discover Your Path of Least Resistance with Wealth Dynamics [The 8 PROFILES]

In this episode 36 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks about Wealth dynamics system, a unique personality profiling system for entrepreneurs and leaders, which is currently used by a million of entrepreneurs around the world. It explains how successful people are playing different games that are unique to them and why it’s crucial to find where you belong.

110, 2019
  • Naomi Sesay season 4 MWML podcast web

#35 The Law of Intention Experience with Naomi Sesay

In this episode 35 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Naomi Sesay a global speaker, former TV producer, serial entrepreneur, and currently Head of Diversity at Channel 4. She explains the Law of Intention and how we can tap into it to do meaningful work and live a meaningful life.

2509, 2019
  • Dr Michael F Steger MWML podcast With Francine Beleyi web

#34 Exploring and Fostering the Best of Your Humanity with Dr Michael F. Steger

In this episode 34 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Dr Michael F. Steger a Psychology Professor, Author, Speaker, Director of the Center for Meaning and Purpose. His research interests center on understanding how people create a life worth living and seeking ways to help people flourish and achieve well-being.

1809, 2019
  • Dr Jess Wade MWML podcast With Francine Beleyi

#33 You Are Never Too Small to Change Anything with Dr Jess Wade

In this episode 33 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Dr Jess Wade, a physicist at Imperial College London and prolific Wikipedia editor. She is a scientist on a mission. She wants every woman who has achieved something impressive in science to get the prominence and recognition they deserve – starting with a Wikipedia entry.

1308, 2019
  • Neuromarketing episode 1 - Francine Beleyi & Dr Peter Steidl

Episode 1 What Is Neurobranding and Why Should Marketers Care

In this episode 1 of ‘The Science Behind What Makes People Buy’ you’ll learn about what Neurobranding is, who it is for, and why should we care. Is it another fancy way that the marketers have find to make us buy what we don't want? What really drives the consumer to choose a brand instead of another.

608, 2019
  • MWML podcast Francesca Uriri web

#31 Bringing the Full Spectrum of Diversity in the Conversation with Francesca Uriri

In this episode 31 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Francesca Uriri, Head of Communications at Uber East & West Africa who decided to showcase the variety of women in Africa. Leading Lading Africa was born and has 77.8k followers today on Instagram. Francesca believes in the power of compounding. We have to be willing to start small, learn, do the work to see our value rise with time.

3007, 2019
  • MWML podcast Hildy Gotlieb

#30 Creating a Collective Enough-ness with Hildy Gotlieb

In this episode 30 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Hildy Gotlieb, a social scientist and asker of powerful questions had an aha moment when she realised that to see the world change, we need to change the questions we ask. We discussed how to create social change and powerful movements. Hildy believes that successful people and successful change happen when we build on who we are together.

2307, 2019
  • MWML podcast Kwame Christian new

#29 Starting a Revolution of Confident Communicators with Kwame Christian

In this episode 29 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Kwame Christian, a lawyer and expert in negotiation and conflict management. Discover how a people-pleaser became a top expert in negotiation and conflict management. Kwame believes that with every conversation, there's an opportunity to learn, to make things better and to communicate at a higher level.

1507, 2019
  • MWML Podcast Dr Bruce Lloyd part 2

#28 Caring Relationships for a Meaningful Society with Dr Bruce Lloyd

In this episode 28 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Dr Bruce Lloyd, Emeritus Professor in Strategic Management, London South Bank University. This is the second part of our conversation, where Bruce goes a bit more personal. Find out how he tried to escape a controlling mum, his take on being a book alcoholic and having a curious mind, the true meaning of love, his unfulfilled desire of being a philanthropist and much more.

907, 2019
  • MWML Podcast Dr Bruce Lloyd

#27 Creating a Better Future Through More Wisdom with Dr Bruce Lloyd

In this episode 27 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Dr Bruce Lloyd, Emeritus Professor in Strategic Management, London South Bank University. This first part of our stirring conversation, is almost a masterclass in strategy and how to think about the Future as well as some great personal insights. Bruce believes that in the face of actual rapid changes, it’s important to have effective learning processes to make sure that change equal progress.

207, 2019
  • MWML Podcast Helen Milner

#26 Changing Lives Through Digital Inclusion with Helen Milner OBE

In this episode 26 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Helen Milner OBE, the Chief Executive at Good Things Foundation, a social change charity that is driving social and digital inclusion. In this thought-provoking conversation, she explains where her passion for Digital Inclusion come from and why she had always been driven to achieve impact .Helen believes that we need to bring people in to help us achieve our goal rather than trying to do it alone!

2406, 2019
  • MWML Roma Agrawal

#25 Changing The Perception of Science and Engineering With Roma Agrawal

In this episode 25 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Roma Agrawal MBE is a structural engineer who works with signature architects, designing footbridge towers and sculptures including six years as a senior structural engineer on The Shard in London. She talks about the fun side of her job in engineering as well as some of the hardship she has to go through personally .... She shares her passion to inspire young people to consider an engineering profession, especially women and people from minority background. Roma believes that you should break free of stereotypes that might be holding you back.

1806, 2019

#24 The Power of Your Story to Influence and Impact Others with Celinne Da Costa

In this episode 24 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Celinne Da Costa, a Life design and brand story coach, who work with visionary leaders, entrepreneurs, founders, to help them leverage the power of storytelling. She shares her journey, not knowing where to belong to a life-changing decision that led her to impact thousands of people to share their stories. Celinne believes that we all have a story to tell, and something about our story will inspire and impact someone else if not hundreds, thousands and millions of people.

1006, 2019

#23 A Digital Platform to Change the Identity of a Nation Through Storytelling with Hodan Nalayeh

In this episode 23 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Hodan Nalayeh, the founder of Integration TV with millions of views on YouTube! She shares her transformative journey to become the social media powerhouse that she is today. Hodan believes that our stories matter. “So many of us live behind our stories, it's time that we live in front of our stories.”

406, 2019
  • MWML Podcast Parminder Vir

#22 A Call to Destiny – Empowering African Entrepreneurs with Parminder Vir

In this episode 22 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi talks with Parminder Vir OBE, the former CEO of the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), Africa’s leading philanthropic organisation. She shares how her appointment to this role was a call to destiny and how her path has prepared her to this time. Parminder believes that you have the power to imagine what you'd like to be and what you'd like to do. You can create the roadmap for achieving them; and whatever you're doing, know that someone else has done it before; you can be inspired by someone else's story.

705, 2019
  • MWML Podcast Income stream

#18 How to Tap Into 15 Income Streams to Live the Life You Want

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi shares 15 strategies to increase your income this year to live the life you want. These strategies work whether you are an employee, a freelancer, a corporate executive or a business owner.

2304, 2019
  • MWML Podcast getting paid what you're worth

#16 Why You Are Not Getting Paid What You’re Worth

In this first episode of the Season 2 of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi shares three key reasons why you are not getting paid what you want and what we can do about it. Listen Now.

1504, 2019
  • MWML Podcast Francine Beleyi Bonus episode

Bonus Episode: It’s Not Too Late with Francine Beleyi

In this Bonus episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi shares some useful frameworks and tools to find a new sense of clarity, find and leave your mission and increase your income. Grab the free tools now!

804, 2019
  • MWML Podcast Sonya Morton-Firth

#15 Redefining Success with Sonya Morton-Firth

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Sonya Morton-Firth, a High-Performance Executive Coach; Property Investor and Physique Competitor. Sonya left a corporate high-pressured sales job to start her business in fashion and fitness, building a strong brand but ended up selling this business. Sonya believes that we all have power within us, and we just need to tap into that power sometimes with the help of others.

204, 2019
  • MWML Podcast guest Penny Power

#14 Friendship in Business with Penny Power

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Penny Power, Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author and founder of Ecademy, the first online business community for business. She talks about the harsh reality behind the glamour. Penny believes that we should treat one another in business with kindness and create safe places to feel like we can be ourselves.

2603, 2019

#13 Courage to Live Your Values with Andrew Priestley

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Andrew Priestley, business leadership coach, entrepreneur, business strategist, speaker, author & publisher. Andrew believes in family values and grounded leadership for a fulfilled life.

1803, 2019

#12 Going Beyond Your Limitations with Gilles Amadou Acogny

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Gilles Amadou Acogny, Co-Founder & CEO Acosphere, a London based firm that delivers consultancy and transformational Training. He manages the company with his wife Nadia Mensah Acogny who was on the show in the episode 11. Gilles believes in the transformative power of public speaking and wish he knew this way earlier.

1203, 2019
  • MWML Nadia Mensah Acogny web

#11 Dream, Dare and Be Resilient with Nadia Mensah-Acogny

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Nadia Mensah-Acogny, co-founder and COO of Acosphere, a journalist and columnist for Forbes Afrique. She edits the annual list of the 100 most influential women in Africa. Nadia believes that we need to dream, dare and be resilient in life.

403, 2019
  • MWML Podcast guest Jazz Rasool

#10 Turning Values into Valuables with Jazz Rasool

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Jazz Rasool,Researcher at Ravensbourne College in London, working in advancing the use of Multimedia, Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education. He is also the creator of Atmascope, a 'Resonance Engine', that enables people to discover their purpose. Jazz believes that true compassion helps people discover the truth that brings them life as opposed to disable them!

2502, 2019
  • MWML podcast_guest_Suki Fuller

#09 Helping Others Grow with Suki Fuller

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Suki Fuller, analytical storyteller, competitive and strategic intelligence expert. Suki believes that we can't tell people what they want to hear but instead tell them the truth! She recommends to look at the Morality, the Ethics & the empathy behind the technology we use.

1802, 2019
  • MWML podcast_guest_Akhtar Badshash

#08 Being Unreasonable with Akhtar Badshah

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Akhtar Badshah, an expert on social impact, philanthropy, CSR and former Director of Microsoft Citizenship and Public Affairs. Akhtar doesn’t do things like others and prefers to live an unstructured life! He believes that we should be unreasonable in life but be a learner.

1102, 2019
  • MWMLPodcast guest Sophie Bryan

#07 The Montessori Way of Life with Sophie Bryan

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Sophie Bryan, a Culture Change expert, TEDx Speaker | Writer | Trainer and Action Learning Coach. Sophie believes that we can use the Montessori teaching elements of freedom, curiosity and play both in our work and life for a more fulfilled life.

402, 2019
  • MWML Podcast guest Henry Stewart

#06 Creating Happy Workplaces with Henry Stewart

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Henry Stewart, the Founder and Chief Happiness Officer of Happy Ltd. Henry believes that we should find joy in our work 80% of the time and shares the key elements to become happy at work and in life. He also tells why you should never try to fit in.

2801, 2019
  • MWML Podcast guests -Naomi sesay

#05 The Power of Speech with Naomi Sesay

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Naomi Sesay, a global speaker, former TV producer, serial entrepreneur, and currently On Screen Diversity Executive at Channel 4. Naomi believes that everything we go through is a learning and all our experiences - good & bad - make us who we are. Now let’s dive in.

2101, 2019
  • #MWMLPodcast guests Tanya Tarr

#04 Promoting Great Ideas with Tanya Tarr

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Tanya Tarr, Vice President at advantage SPRING, Forbes Contributor & Negotiation Strategist. Tanya shares some tips to become a master negotiator and how her multicultural background shaped her vision of the world.

2101, 2019
  • #MWMLPodcast guest Sukhi Jutla

#03 Follow Your Curiosity with Sukhi Jutla

In this episode of Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast, Francine Beleyi is discussing with Sukhi Jutla, Founder of MarketOrders and author of 3 books including ‘Escape The Cubicle: Quit The Job You Hate. Create a Life You Love’. Sukhi is passionate to get people to really understand that there's more to life than just a desk job.

2101, 2019
  • meaningful work meaningful life podcast Courtney Kirschbaum

#02 Living in Truth with Courtney Kirschbaum

In this episode of the Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast Francine Beleyi discuss with Courtney Kirschbaum, Founder and CEO of Job Hunt School, award-winning keynote and TEDx Speaker. Courtney is on a mission to build a movement of entrepreneurial job seekers who know their value and want to find their place.

1601, 2019

#01 Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life Podcast with Francine Beleyi

 The show that empower yow to redefine the life you want and live your best life now! Hi, I am Francine Beleyi, your host! I’ve found that so many professionals even those with a high-powered job, sometimes struggle to find meaning in what they do at work and also fail to live a meaningful life. They spend years or

201, 2019

2018 Year In Review And Happy 2019

  What an incredible year 2018 has been! I am also grateful for the quality time I am blessed to spend with family and friends at the end of this year.   As we are fast approaching 2019, I cannot help but reflect on how amazing it has been to live an incredible location-independent lifestyle. Travelling and working at

806, 2018
  • personal mission statement

How to Create Your Personal Mission Statement

I ran a workshop on personal branding recently and focussed on the importance of being clear about our mission to live a purposeful life and avoid being sidetracked.   Do you have a clear mission statement that drives both your personal and professional life? If you'd like to know the quick process to create an impactful mission statement, download

2205, 2018
  • GDPR best emails

GDPR: What Makes you Open or Delete an Email?

Only three days to go until the General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR kicks in, on the 25th May 2018. It’s Europe's new framework for data protection laws that any business owner or organisation needs to be aware of even if you are not located in Europe. If you are not living on Mars, you’ve certainly been swamped by

3004, 2018

L’AFEM, un Réseau Féminin d’Entrepreneures Dynamiques et Engagées

J’attrape le tram sous une belle journée ensoleillée pour éviter les embouteillages de Casablanca et descends à la station Technopark. Je me retrouve devant un immeuble impressionnant aux allures futuristes. Après un rapide contrôle de sécurité, je me retrouve à l’intérieur du bâtiment, lumineux et accueillant avec une ambiance caractéristique de coworking-space, le soleil en plus. Dans une cour intérieure, des

304, 2018

Francine Beleyi Receives the ‘Trophee de l’Africanite’ in Marrakech

Honored and proud to receive the "Africanity Awards" at the initiative of the MBK MEDIA agency, creator of the "prestige book editions" under the direction of Mr. Nasrallah Belkhayate. The event was held on March 28 at Palais Namaskar in Marrakech with FIJET Morocco (International Federation of Journalists and Writers of Tourism) in the presence of the guest of

2303, 2018

Effective Role of the African Entrepreneur Woman

Honorée de recevoir un certificat de participation pour le succès de la manifestation placée sous le thème : ‘Pour un rôle efficace de la femme entrepreneure africaine’. Organisée par la Chambre de Commerce d’Industrie et du service de la region Marrakech-Safi, Association des femmes chefs d’entreprises du Maroc (AFEM), Association Sud Sud Sahara. Honored to receive a certificate of

703, 2018

Top 20 African Women ADIPWE 2018 list

Meet the 2018 top 20 inspirational Women of African Diaspora Professional Women in Europe (ADIPWE). The African Diaspora Professional Women in Europe (ADIPWE) is an online forum with the aim to: Celebrate the success of African Women in Europe and in the world in general. Give visibility women who have achieved success in their own right but may still

603, 2018
  • SEWI 2018 MarrSEWI 2018 Marrakech akech

SEWI 2018 Marrakech-Round-Up in Images

It was a great pleasure to attend the SEWI 2018 in Marrakech the 02nd and 03rd March 2018 and to meet inspiring women entrepreneurs from Africa and across the world. The theme 'Innovation and Digital, which leadership for women' was chosen to celebrate the International Women's day. The event organised by AFEM, the Association of Women Business Owners in Morocco, was launched

1602, 2018

[Event] The Power of Relationships in Business & Personal Success

While relationships are an essential part of life, there are many complexities which take a lot of work to be successful, worthwhile and long-lasting. I will be discussing the Essentials to Building Relationships in Business and Personal Success with Suki Fuller and Ann Bird leaders of EBW2020 Empowerment Circle London, on Wednesday, 21 February 21, 2018, at 6:30 PM

2311, 2017
  • Africa digitalisation & entrepreneurship - Francine Beleyi

Digitalisation and Techpreneurship in Africa – 9th AU Forum 2017 Round-Up in Images

It was a privilege to be invited by the African Union Commission to participate to the 9th AU Private Sector Forum on “Accelerating Africa’s Industrialization through Digitalization and Youth Techpreneurship” in Pretoria 13-15 November 2017. I specially loved hearing the pitch of inspiring #techentrepreneurs from #Africa including www.yytzagro.com, http://www.weflyagri.com/en/, www.wekebere.com. Below is a photo gallery of with some of the

911, 2017

Why Should You Build a Personal Brand in the Digital Age?

“Everyone, but particularly the younger generation, face enormous challenges in the world today, and even more in the years ahead. One critical area involves making choices between the vast number of possibilities now associated with personal development. These choices are increasingly linked to the growing impact of the digital world on every aspect of our lives. Francine has

1210, 2017

Africa Forum 2017 Round-Up in Images

This is a round up in images of the 17th International Economic Forum on Africa held in Paris the 04th October 2017. Check out the Storify of the discussions on Twitter #AfricaForum focused on three main topics: Session 1 - Can entrepreneurs drive Africa’s industrialisation? Session 2 – How can entrepreneurship promote social and economic inclusion? Session 3 – The politics of industrialisation:

2209, 2017

What the Death of My Dad Taught Me

Two months ago, my dad passed away. Overnight. I didn’t have the time to say goodbye. I was due to call him after I returned from my trip to New York where I talked about innovative ways to bridge the management skills gap in Africa. Back home, it was hard to see dad, lying on the bed and realising

2007, 2017

Addressing the Management Skills Gap in Africa

Leading organisations including researchers, employers and educators participated in a roundtable discussion: 'Addressing the Management Skills Gap in Africa' organised by Global Business School Network (GSBN) and The Center for Global Enterprise (CGE) and hosted by IESE Business School in New York the 17 july 2017. Chris Caine, President of the CGE and Guy Pfefferman, founder and CEO of GSBN welcomed the attendees

1307, 2017
  • build your community

Quiz: How well Can You Build Your Community

‘Build your Community’ is the pillar #7 for an influential personal branding in a digital age. This includes mentors, partners, influencers and your support team. Find out how well you can build your community. [viralQuiz id=9]

2906, 2017
  • Connect with your audience

Quiz: How well do you Connect with your Audience?

How are you communicating with your audience to be seen as an authority in your field? Take the 1 minute quiz below to find out how well you connect with your audience to build an influential Personal Brand in the digital age.   [viralQuiz id=8]

2206, 2017
  • control your image - personal branding

Quiz: How well do you Control your Image & Online Reputation?

Image branding is what most people think personal branding is all about. However, it’s only the 5th pillar to build a Personal Brand in the digital age and the most important aspect of this pillar is your reputation. Take the quiz below to find out how well you control your image and reputation online. [viralQuiz id=7]

2106, 2017

What The First #Instapreneurs Event in #Paris Means for Your #Business?

Instagram launched its first ever conference dedicated to #Instapreneurs and brands present on the social media in Paris on Saturday 17/06 as the platform is becoming an important channel for businesses looking to engage their customers with visuals like photos, video and stories. Around 60% of the 700 million Instagram users say they have discovered a new product or

1506, 2017
  • Dominate your niche

Quiz: 1 Minute to Find Out How Well You Dominate your Niche

With the fierce competition and the fragmentation of the marketplace, it’s impossible to be good at many things and talk to everybody effectively, therefore it makes sense to choose a nest that you excel in. By focusing on a smaller portion of the market you can quickly understand what makes a winning proposition than trying to be too broad. Discover in

2603, 2017

Why Is Giving The Next Big Thing

Did you give money to a charity last year? Do you think you have you given enough? If not, what holds you back? Is it that:You don’t trust the organisation will use the money for the intended purpose?You have no way to track the impact your money is making?You don’t have time to research and pick the right charity amongst thousands of

2202, 2017

Why Should Professional Women Build a Personal Brand Equity in a Digital Age?

A FREE Live Event, not to be missed if you are serious to get to the next level. Join us in a live online event to celebrate the International Women’s Day on Wednesday 8th March at 1pm GMT, with Francine Beleyi, Digital strategist, communication & marketing consultant, founder of nucleus of change and mydigitalpal.com. If you are a

3101, 2017

How to Plan Your 2017 Content Calendar

Whether you write for a blog, for a website, for social media or run campaigns, your work begins by asking: “What should I be writing about today?” For many people, this is an ad hoc affair when they think on the go about something to write. Magazines and professional publishers have always planned many months in advance what to

2212, 2016

DIGITAL AFRICA: What I’ve Learnt

 “It's been a fabulous and unforgettable seven week. Great thanks to all those who made this Course a reality.” Francis Oguaju We’ve just finished the final week of Digital Africa strategy, management and innovation course (cohort 2), delivered by the Centre of Global Entrepreneurship (CGE), where more than 700 students across 27 countries enrolled. The programme has enabled participants

2911, 2016

Why Social Innovation in Africa is Now a Popular Trend & How is Social Impact Scaling?

Encouraged by the emergence and early impact of social innovators on the African Continent, but frustrated by the slow pace of large-scale change, Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, founder of LEAP Africa and serial entrepreneur, share some insights from her new book, 'Social Innovation in Africa: A practical guide for scaling impact'. This book is focused on filling the knowledge gap among aspiring and

2511, 2016

10 Ideas To Run A Successful Digital Marketing Even In A Regulated Industry

In an increasing digital, mobile, interconnected and fast moving world, running marketing activities as usual is no longer an option, even in the most traditional businesses. The rise of digital platforms and the changing demographics with the new generations X and Z are disrupting all the sectors of economy. What worked in the past no longer works today. Being

711, 2016

The Best of the Digital Economy on Display in Lisbon – Websummit

The sun is shining brightly in Lisbon this morning. From today 07th November until the 10th November 2016, Lisbon is the "Europe’s Largest Technology Marketplace” with more than 50,000 participants at the #WebSummit2016.  My Favourite track is the Future Societies with the topics: What lies beyond the second machine age, Andrew McAfee, Principal Research Scientist, MIT Finding your calling in

610, 2016

Diversity in Tech – Here East London

The Diversity in Tech organised by Tech London Advocates brought together London's digital community at Here East, at the heart of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, on the 06th October 2016 to examine the scale of the industry's diversity problem. Some household tech gurus, corporate leaders, politicians, students and a vibrant crowd from all backgrounds discussed  a thought provoking agenda including: Disrupting ourselves Disrupting the future Disrupting

410, 2016

DIGITAL AFRICA: Platform Management, Strategy & Innovation – Free Course

Are you a manager, a company executive, an entrepreneur, an aspiring platform founder or a business student seeking to improve your skills in a rapidly changing business environment where new leadership capabilities are needed? You might be interested to join DIGITAL AFRICA:  Platform Management, Strategy & Innovation, a 5-week course delivered by the CGE Global Scholars program with support from

2508, 2016

How Africa Is Changing Technology? An overview of African Platforms

 Do not ask how technology is changing Africa but rather how Africa is changing technology, declares Dr Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga, Associate professor of Science, Technology, and Society at the MIT. Behind this thought provoking question, is the reality on the continent and the innovative initiatives we are witnessing every day. In this last episode of the four-part series, ‘Voyage

1908, 2016

What Makes Platforms Go Viral?

In the previous episode of the series ‘Voyage in the land of platform businesses’, I’ve presented seven tried and tested strategies to launch successfully a platform business and solve the frequent chicken and egg challenge faced by platform owners when launching a double sided-market platform. Today, I am on a mission to crack the code of what makes some platforms

1808, 2016

Strategic Planning Workshop on Inclusive Science, Engineering, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa

It was a great pleasure and an honour to participate in a ground-breaking strategic planning workshop in South Africa, from August 10th-15th 2016, with a dozen of diversely skilled experts to work on the foundation of one-of-a-kind summer school / institute that will be offering courses in inclusive science, engineering, innovation and entrepreneurship from an Africa perspective. The multidisciplinary task

2907, 2016

How to Launch a Platform When Neither Sellers nor Buyers Have a Reason to Join Until the Other Side Joins First?

When trying to build a two-sided market in which both sides are equally important, how do you attract one without the other? Which one should come first? If you are launching a payment platform, for example, without sellers accepting your payment solution, buyers won’t adopt it. And if buyers don’t accept it, sellers won’t invest time, effort and money in

1507, 2016

How to Add more $$$ in Your Business With A Great Customer Experience?

In this fast moving and troubled period, it can be easy to get out of focus and lose momentum in your business. But it worth remembering that countless businesses are forming to disrupt failing industries and smart entrepreneurs are looking for new opportunities in all circumstances. What are you doing to find new ways to boost your business? In this upcoming

2406, 2016

London Tech Week 2016 in Images

This a selection of some of the events of the London Technology Week 2016, a festival of live events throughout the UK’s capital from the 20 to 26 June. Computer Weekly Women in IT Awards 2016     Startups & Heavyweights: Is co-innovation right for you? Idea London & Cisco   Diversity cocktails by Innovate Finance at Hogan Lovells

1706, 2016

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore the 7 Trends that are Driving the Experience Economy?

Why live experiences matter? Why do they seem to be permanent in our societies? Simply because live experiences and live events create memories that stay with us for many years. These are the observations of Julia Hartz, co-founder of Eventbrite this week at the Future of the Experience Economy event in London.  “Live experiences are here to stay and the

306, 2016

Learnings From Successful Female Tech Entrepreneurs In London

Six amazing female tech entrepreneurs in London, share their success stories as well as their challenges and advocate for Gender Equality. Taking part in this inspiring and honest discussion held at Croydon Tech City last week were: Maya Gura, CEO MissBeez  Suki Fuller, CEO Miribure Claire Cockerton, CEO EntiQ Jennifer Arcuri, CEO HackerHouse Ghislaine Boddington, CEO Body<Data<Space Sarah Luxford, Croydon Tech City In the

2705, 2016

Is Growth Hacking A Real Thing?

There is an increased interest in high growth companies and the methods they use to develop. Growth hacking is now a buzz word. But what exactly is it and why does it matter? It means different things to different people but Wikipedia defines growth hacking as: “A process of rapid experimentation across marketing channels and product development to identify the

2005, 2016

How to Harness the Potential of Online Open Education for Development- ICT4D Africa

In this sixth episode of the #NOCTechAfrica series, I am in conversation with Norbert GLAKPE, from Togo. Norbert is a Technology Advisor, Engineering Systems, FOSS activist, ICT4D Advocate and Open Evangelist. He explains: How Africa can take advantage of free open software to boost the education of people The activities he undertakes to raise awareness in the tech and non tech communities The

1305, 2016

How to Use the 3-Word Formula Behind P&G Advertising Success?

"Over a 90-minute journey in Central London, you probably see 300 advertising. But how many of them do you recall?” With this overload of publicity, people have learnt to switch off. So how brands manage to get their message across? Clement Chan, Brand Commercial Manager at Procter & Gamble (P&G), reveals how successful companies have switched from a push to

905, 2016

Transforming the Digital Marketplace in Africa-Replay from #WEFAfrica2016

View the Full programme About Francine Beleyi Francine Beleyi is a digital strategist, change consultant and entrepreneurial journalist who helps businesses thrive in the digital age. who helps businesses thrive in the digital age. She spends her days speaking with and studying the most successful entrepreneurs in the new economy, and sharing her findings with those who are

605, 2016

Digital Transformation: Wake-up Call and Lessons from the Fall of BHS

The casualties of the digital revolution are continuing as the giant British Home Store (BHS), went into administration last week, putting at risk 11,000 jobs. According to experts, the hecatomb has just started, as they predict that dozens more are to come. Mary Portas, the retail guru, explains in the Guardian how she would have saved BHS. In the 70s,

1504, 2016

TechAfrica: Unleashing Entrepreneurial Creativity Through Affordable Co-Working Spaces

The tech revolution has provoked a bigger shift in the way people use assets. A PwC report reveals that the sharing economy sectors could generate across the globe $15 billion to $335 billion by 2025. “You have Airbnb for sharing rooms, Blablacar for sharing cars and Jokkolabs for sharing offices,” says François Masson, a French Insurance Professional turned social entrepreneur

1304, 2016

Why Video Should Be Part of Any CEO, Manager or Business Owner Thought Leadership Strategy?

In a previous post on personal branding, I've made the case that “It enables you to stand out from the crowd, be easily recognisable and engage powerfully with your audience” and outlined the 7 keys to build a personal authentic brand. Studies have shown that there is a link between a CEO or a business owner personal brand and

704, 2016

TechAfrica: A Roadmap to Reap the Digital Dividends in Africa

“We find ourselves in the midst of the greatest information and communications revolution in human history. For many people, today’s increase in access to digital technologies brings more choice and greater convenience. But “traditional development challenges are preventing the digital revolution from fulfilling its transformative potential.” “Nearly 6 billion people do not have high-speed internet, making them unable to fully

104, 2016

Complimentary 121 Digital Strategy Clinic 04 & 05 April. Limited Places

Have you reached a ceiling in your marketing activities or experiencing one of these challenges? Get the best ROI from your marketing efforts online Optimise your website to rank highly by search engines Use social media to reach out to your target market and build following Integrate all your online activities in a seemless process Find new ways to

2503, 2016

The Secrets of Mobile Content Conversion

Why does it matter to improve mobile conversion? ‘Smartphones are the most common starting place for online activities.’ Increasing the conversion on this medium means increase in revenues and higher profits with no additional cost of acquisition. Mobile optimised content also means a higher traffic and increased market shares. The possibility to use geolocation also makes it easier for

2203, 2016

TechAfrica: How Fast The First African Unicorn Can Produce Local Offspring?

“I will see within the next 5 to 10 years’ African start-ups that are going be Unicorns.” Why? “Look at our market, we have a market that is just economically pre-disposed to be consumers. We have everything that it takes to have unicorns in Africa or African-tech start-ups becoming unicorns because of the products they are offering to the

1603, 2016

How to Fundraise ‘Like a Girl’ and Actually Win It? 5 Tips from Sarah Wood

The issues that challenge women in the corporate world are the same issues they encounter when trying to get funding for their businesses. And there are two reasons to this: the first reason is the lack of confidence in stepping up and putting themselves out there and the second one is the unconscious bias which shows up in term of

303, 2016

TechAfrica: How to Turn ‘Disadvantages’ into Unique Strengths?

Welcome to #NOCTechAfrica series, where I interview inspiring African Tech entrepreneurs, in the diaspora and on the continent, to explore how to unlock the immense potential of Africa and what it takes to succeed on the continent. In this first episode, I am in conversation with Eunice Baguma Ball, from Uganda. She is the founder of Africa Technology Business Network

2602, 2016

Disrupt or be Disrupted

The ability to learn quickly and adapt to change in a fast moving world is one of the key characteristics of great entrepreneurs. With the democratisation of digital technologies, cloud computing, fast and cheap internet in many parts of the world, a lot of established industries and businesses are being disrupted by new entrants with just an app. We

1811, 2015

Why Work In FinTech? The Good, the Bad and the Opportunities – Part 2

I’ve introduced in part 1, three Fintech founders, Anil Stocker, Co-founder of MarketInvoice, Damian Kimmelman, Co-founder of DueDil and Hiroki Takeuchi, Co-founder of GoCardless. In this part 2, our London trio gives an honest insider view of what to expect when working in Fintech, with the facilitation of Alex Wood, Editor-in-Chief of The Memo. Why should anyone leave their cushy job

1311, 2015

Why Work In FinTech? Find out from the Founders – Part 1

The cash being pumped into London's financial technology businesses has already surpassed the entire amount invested 2014 as the capital cements its status as the FinTech capital of the world,” reported City AM recently.  2015 has been the most successful year ever for FinTech, with $554m (£357m) of venture capital investment in Q3, compared to total investment of $487m in

511, 2015

Countdown to Global Entrepreneurship Week 10 days to go

There are only 10 days weeks to go until Global Entrepreneurship Week 2016, which this year will run from Monday 16 to Sunday 22 November, and plans to make this year as successful as ever are already underway. Global Entrepreneurship Week is a week of global activities that highlight and celebrate entrepreneurship and its social and economic benefits, including

2310, 2015

How Lack of Trust is Creating Multimillion Businesses?

Why trust is broken? Largely because of marketing, said Brice Bay, CEO of Enveritas Group, speaking last week at AdTech London. He explains how ‘brands overpromise and under deliver every day’ thus creating distrust and a gap in people expectation. But what has enabled to expose the wrongdoings of companies such widely today is the democratisation of digital technologies. The latest

210, 2015

What Can We Learn From Peppa Pig To Build An Irresistible Brand?

Peppa Pig, a popular TV cartoon's has made the news this week after the brand has been sold for £140m. The show is watched in 180 countries and is inspiration behind 12,000 products. The three British creators Mark Baker, Neville Astley and Phil Davies started off as animation graduates in 1980s and created a successful franchise estimated globally today at £1.3billion.

1809, 2015

What Sharing Economy Means For My Business And How Can I Take Advantage of It?

The greater access to digital technology is creating new business models that are shaking up the traditional businesses. Not a single day goes by without hearing about a new start-up that is disrupting established businesses or threatening a whole industry. Sharing economy is one of these innovative ways of doing business. According to Investopedia.com, sharing economy is “an economic model

409, 2015

Why Some Businesses Fail To Make The Most Out Of Their Marketing Team?

Over the past seven years, I’ve analysed many businesses and find that the most successful ones have an amazing marketing team they empower to achieve great results. The struggling businesses are the ones that do not give marketing the strategic role and place it needs to change the fortune of the company. Here are the 10 most common mistakes that ailing

608, 2015

Why no image appears in my social media status update when I share a link from my blog?

Have you ever been frustrated that no image appears on LinkedIn when you share a link in your status update whilst nobody else on the social network seems to have this problem? Well if that’s your case there might be a solution …if you are using a Wordpress site (it might works equally with other types of websites but I

1806, 2015
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How to Use Crowdfunding to Launch your Projects? Part 1/3

Crowdfunding, the art and science of appealing to the crowd to fund a personal project is becoming a fast growing method used by many individuals and businesses across industries to get off the ground a venture that might not to see the light. In this 3-part series on ‘how to use crowdfunding to launch your projects’ we will learn from

2005, 2015

Inside the mind of Eric Schmidt, Executive chairman of Google – The 10 things I have learned

I  was lucky last week to get a last minute ticket for a sold-out event to attend a talk with Eric Schmidt at the Chinaexchange in London. The Executive chairman of Google is refreshingly free of any tech jargon when sharing his thoughts on a wide range of questions thrown at him by some of the 200 participants. 1. On digital addiction.

3004, 2015

How will it be possible for Londoners not to become addicted to Lyon?

A charm offensive was organised yesterday at the Mandarin Oriental’s Bar Boulud in London to launch the first direct Eurostar train between London and Lyon due to start on the 1st May 2015. Alain Galliano, Vice President of Lyon Metropole and Lionel Flasseur, the Director of ONLYLYON in partnership with Eurostar welcomed guests, friends of Lyon, with regional

1103, 2015
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Tech City International Women’s Day 2015 at Digital Catapult in London

"Amazing!" This was the word that many of the attendees of Tech City International Women’s day 2015 have to say about what they saw. This third edition of Tech City exhibition was held at Digital Catapult in London, where a diverse range of women’s work in technology & the creative industries was showcased. Watch the video and go below this post to leave your

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.