“Everyone, but particularly the younger generation, face enormous challenges in the world today, and even more in the years ahead. One critical area involves making choices between the vast number of possibilities now associated with personal development. These choices are increasingly linked to the growing impact of the digital world on every aspect of our lives. Francine has produced a thorough and readable tour of the issues. It is one of the first books that attempts to provide insightful advice on both areas and how we can manage these challenges more effectively. The book makes an invaluable contribution to helping us all lead more rewarding lives, beyond the unsustainable obsession with making more and more money. The book should be widely read — and used, together with the online resources that are associated with it.” Dr Bruce Lloyd, Emeritus Professor of Strategy, London South Bank University
Read an excerpt from Personal Branding in the Digital Age: How to Become a Known Expert, Thrive and Make a Difference in a Connected World by Francine Beleyi