It’s important to be able to work hard but it’s better to have a great team and make sure that you’re all working towards the same vision.

Find out how a girl who was dreaming of becoming Prime Minister ended up leading a digital and social inclusion movement in the UK and beyond.

Helen Milner OBE is the Chief Executive at Good Things Foundation, a social change charity that is driving social and digital inclusion. They support excluded people to become digitally able and active and apply their knowledge in all aspects of their lives, including health, getting a job and growing financial resilience. She was named by the Digital Hall of Fame as one of the 20 people who had achieved great things in Britain using digital.

Helen as a real tech evangelist thinks that technology has huge benefits for people’s lives and can be transformative. Her career has been around, digital, education and helping people to learn new skills and she is passionate about giving a second-chance to adults with learning.  

In this thought-provoking conversation, Helen explains where her passion for Digital Inclusion come from and why she had always been driven to achieve impact and been ambitious but for the greater good. She also shed some light on the overlap between digital and social exclusion.

She explains how she marries big picture thinking with being very practical and why we need a laser focus to get things done. Being so driven to achieve her mission meant that Helen struggled to fit it all into a working week and worked seven days a week for several years until she finally learnt the life-saving skills of delegation. She also offers great advice to get paid more in a job you love and not undervalue yourself.

Determined to drive the movement of digital and social inclusion in the UK, her organisation is expanding in Australia and in Kenya, focusing on socially excluded people.

Having helped almost three million people with thousands of partners, Helen believes that we need to bring people in to help us achieve our goal rather than trying to do it alone!

Action points

What is your key takeaway from this episode? What are you committed to do today to find more meaning in your work and live a more meaningful life? Comment below. 

If you’d like to clarify your goals and achieve them faster, there are 3 ways to do that:

  • Buy the book Personal branding in the digital age: how to become a known expert, thrive and make a difference in the connected world – it’s available on Amazon, iTunes, Audible as eBook, audiobook and paperback.
  • Work 121 with me to clarify your objectives & achieve them faster. Book a call now 
  • Time limited offer: If you are wondering whether you are communicating clearly to your audience what you do and why they should buy from you, apply for a complimentary assessment of your website . I will personally review your website and let you know what works and what may be confusing your prospects and a few guidance on what you need to do to clarify your message.



Contact Helen Milner

Contact Me, Francine Beleyi the host of the show


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