When you’re coming from dysfunction, from struggle, from trauma, with different levels of abuse, you as a child are awoken to different dimensions, different worlds, and a connection to spirit. – Catherine Ord

In today’s episode I am featuring a Star profile, the second profile of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles.

About Catherine Ord

I have the great pleasure to discuss with Catherine Ord, the founder of the Wealth Vector System, a transformative card system based on the timeless wisdom of the I-Ching and Wealth Dynamics to help entrepreneurs and leaders navigate change, gain clarity and focus in order to make better decisions.

In this deep and honest conversation, you will find out:

  • How Catherine integrates different dimensions to rhythm her daily life
  • The conscious choices she has made to live the life she wants
  • How an early childhood circumstance impacted her life to become an entrepreneur
  • How she uses the vector card system to expand the thinking of entrepreneurs
  • How discovering and understanding her Star profile has enabled her to stay in flow
  • The impact of dealing with a dysfunctional family and an alcoholic mother on her sense of family and her personal journey
  • And much more

Action points

What is your key takeaway from this episode? What are you committed to do today to find more meaning in your work and live a more meaningful life? Share your thoughts below. 

  • Book a Strategic call  with me if you are ready to leverage your personal brand in a meaningful way to create a successful business you love.
  • Buy the book Personal branding in the digital age: How to become a known expert, thrive and make a difference in the connected world – it’s available on Amazon, iTunes, Audible as eBook, audiobook and paperback.

Contact Catherine Ord


Contact Me, Francine Beleyi the host of the show


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