Do you know that 79% of consumers engage with brands that align with their values?
Today is about Sharing your values to connect at a deeper level with your audience.
People want to connect with your personal values and your motivation. They want to know that you care about them before they care about you.
As a CEO, a professional or an entrepreneur, it’s essential to share your values to connect with your audience at a deeper level and build trust.
What is a Value?
Our values express what is important to us. We all have a hierarchy of values that we evaluate against opportunities consciously or unconsciously. What is most important for us comes at the top of the list and the least important at the bottom of the list.
What we pay attention to or what we focus on most in life is dictated by our values.
Being clear about your values will avoid wasting time doing something you shouldn’t be doing in the first place.
It would help if you live your values, embody them in your daily life and have the courage to stand up and defend what you believe.
My top values: Freedom, Empowerment, Exploration
Our values are the guiding star to help us achieve our goals and be happy. Of course, we can still achieve our goals without being true to our values… but we will feel empty.
Example of value: trustworthiness
Let’s say you want to be successful in some industry, but the market you operate in is corrupt with many backhands.
One of your values is to be trustworthy and think everything needs to be transparent, so you don’t want to do business and give bribes. It will cost you some markets, but you may win too because pp will know your reputation for quality work and no bribe. And you will end up achieving your goals by respecting your values. It’s not very easy but worthwhile.
If you are looking to become a recognised thought-leader with strong values, get in touch, request a confidential call.
About Francine Beleyi
I am Francine Beleyi, digital strategist, business mentor and personal branding expert. I am also the founder of nucleus of change and author of Personal Branding in the Digital Age: how to become a known expert, thrive and make a difference in a connected world. I am a speaker and the host of the podcast MWML podcast where I interview CEOs, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who share their journey both their success and struggles to inspire us to live a meaningful life.
I am on a mission to empower purpose-driven business leaders to position themselves as an authority in their field, attract their ideal clients and impact thousands globally.
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