Treat people not as you want to be treated …but as they want to be treated.

Today, I am discussing with Henry Stewart, the Founder and Chief Happiness Officer of Happy Ltd. He is also the author of two books Relax: A Happy Business Story and the Happy Manifesto. He helps people create happy workplaces!

In our conversation, Henry explains how he started Happy Computers after a disastrous job experience and why he decided to create a principled organisation where people are happy.

Henry believes that we should find joy in our work 80% of the time and shares the key elements to become happy at work and in life. He believes that making mistakes is a key ingredient of resilience and why you should never try to fit in. I am sure you will be energised by this fun and insightful conversation. 

Key points discussed 

  • How to choose an organisation where you are likely to be happy
  • Why the easiest way to be happy is to help other people
  • Why making mistakes is a key ingredient of resilience
  • How his childhood has shaped his worldview
  • Why you should treat people the way they want to be treated not as you want to be treated.
  • His vision to see happy workplace becomes the norm, not the exception.

Now let’s listen to my conversation with Henry Stewart to learn much more


Contact Henry Stewart


Contact Me, Francine Beleyi the host of the show

Website: – please post your comment below the posts

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Special Launch Gift

I have a special gift I’d like to give you to celebrate the launch of this new podcast. I am giving away ‘digital packs’ of my book Personal Branding in the digital age to quick start your success in 2019. It includes: A eBook copy, an audiobook copy and an editable Playbook to create your personal brand roadmap.

For your chance to win one of the digital packs of my book, go to iTunes and leave a review on Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life podcast.
Post a screenshot of the review on Instagram or Twitter and tag @francinebeleyi. 

Another way to win one of the digital packs is to comment below the post of the episode here and  tell me your key takeaway and what one thing you’ve decided to do this year to have more meaning in your life. Maybe you’ve decided to write a book, launch a new product or get paid more. I’ll look through the comments to pick the winners and will send you the full digital pack of Personal branding in the digital age to help you quick start 2019 and smash your goals.

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