Personal branding visibility road map

Quick Start Your Personal Branding Journey

Putting yourself out there is hard when it feels like no one is even paying attention. But you can’t get paid if you can’t be found. Learn how to communicate a compelling message and be seen by those who need what you offer, make the money you deserve and make an impact in thousands of lives.


You are a consultant who has the skills, expertise and know-how to solve your client’s problem. Yet, you struggle to be in front of the right customers online.

Your business is stuck. You feel like you’ve tried everything under the sun to find new clients, but you are running out of ideas for what else to do to make more sales.

Everybody told you that you need to be online and have a digital presence. But you find the online world confusing, crowded, difficult to navigate and find the clients you need.

On top of that, you also struggle to communicate what makes you unique and stand out to be the obvious choice for the right clients.

When you don’t have a clear message about who you are and what you do that helps clients solve their problem, you will struggle to get the attention of your ideal clients.


Imagine this – Imagine that the struggle is over. Imagine you are in front of a drove of the right clients.

Imagine having an abundant flow of qualified leads coming in daily that you easily convert into paying clients.

Imagine having a super compelling and clear brand message that speaks immediately to your ideal client and shows them exactly how you are solving their problem.


Putting yourself out there is hard when you doubt yourself and feel like no one is even paying attention. Often what it takes to get unstuck is to talk to the right person at the right time. Stop the guesswork and learn exactly what to do next.

Here is What you Get when you Book Now

The Visibility Booster Roadmapping session will take place over Zoom and will be recorded so you can review them at your own convenience. It’s a 2-hour call where we will review your current state, clarify your vision of success and what is getting in the way of you achieving this vision.

You’ll take my popular YEANICC test to assess the 7 domains of personal branding and discover where you should focus on priority in your roadmap.

I will also show you how to receive 360-degree feedback from your closer network to understand how others see you. This feedback will provide you with valuable insight that you might not otherwise be aware of.

We will have a 1-hour follow-up session to unpack the 360-feedback and how it matches your perception or not and create an action plan to build your visibility plan and reach your ideal audience.

In between these two sessions, you have email access to me for questions and emergencies.

You’ll also get to take your Wealth Dynamics profile, taken by more than a million entrepreneurs, to discover your path of least resistance. You’ll receive a 37-page report plus a 1:1 debrief of your profile on specific points not included in the report. This test will help you to create a set of tactics that fit your personality and key strengths.

By the end of this roadmapping session, you will get a personalised, specific, Personal Branding roadmap and an actionable action plan to position as an authority in your field, attract your ideal clients and impact thousands of people globally.


Are you ready to create a thriving business doing what you love and get paid well for it.? Great. Apply to the Personal Branding Visibility Booster Roadmap by clicking the button below.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. – Albert Einstein

I’m totally confident that you’ll get some powerful shifts during our time that I offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

If at the end of our session you feel you have not gotten your money’s worth, just let me know and I’ll refund your payment in full.


You will receive an email; I will review your application and reply via email with payment instructions.

Once you submit your payment, you’ll receive a link to schedule your appointment in my calendar. If none of the options you see are suitable email to arrange an alternative time.

I can help you clarify your identity, vision of the future and your goals to position as an authority inside and outside your organisation or transition into your desired professional field.

For sure. Everyone needs help. I often ask for external help when I am stuck and can’t see the wood from the tree. This happens to everyone. It’s just too hard to see the water when you’re swimming in it.

This program is designed to experience big shifts, see the bigger picture and help you identify what you need to do right now to position as an authority in your field. It helps you to reflect on the best ways to put yourself out there and select the best tactics. Once you get a clear roadmap, you are welcome to implement it by yourself or ask for my other programs to help you implement it successfully. You should expect to see measurable progress in as little as a few weeks but big changes will take six to nine months.

Still have questions? No problem! Please send me an email at

What People Are Saying

I have been working with Francine to help me with my digital strategy, and I cannot begin to tell you how much the experience has helped me to completely redefine my business. Through her professional and dedicated approach, and her sharp and intuitive perception she has helped me to clarify my messaging and communication and bring more focus into my personal brand.

Nicola Lucie, Founder of The Feminine Principle

Francine understood my needs and did a marvellous job in translating my ideas into a workable practical product. Francine has a unique set of skills which I was looking for, a designer, a marketing strategist, a deep understanding of the training business, and she was able to pull these three strands together very successfully for my business.

Peter Cameron, Managing Director, Energy Consultancy

I never knew that there was a service out there called branding. People always said I do so much but they can’t see the work that I do. I wanted something refined and of high quality and that’s what I got with you. You walk the talk and you do the action. Everything you say you’re going to do, you did it. You dug deep to get the best out of me and that’s the difference.

Venessa Bobb, Founder, Autism Thrive Solutions

Working with Francine for over two years enabled AWEC to launch and maintain a robust social media presence: Above average Twitter engagement; strong LinkedIn growth rate; healthy Instagram engagement; above-average newsletter open rates.

Karen Sippel, Managing Director, AWEC

What I like the most about working with Francine is her clarity of focus and having to really think about the issues involved. She has a wide knowledge and experience across a variety of fields. She knows what she is talking about because she has been there and tried it or done it.

Geoffrey Pinchin, CEO & founder, Accountancy/Author

Working with Francine has helped me focus the direction of my business; She has given me the confidence in myself to grow and expand my business while advising and supporting me throughout our relationship.

Nina Gibey, CEO & Founder, London Jewellery Workshop
francine Beleyi

Your Mentor: Francine Beleyi

The program is run by Francine Beleyi, award-winning digital strategist and author of the book ‘Personal Branding in a Digital Age.’

She is on a mission to help purpose-driven business leaders to position themselves as an authority in their field with a Trusted Personal Brand. When you work with Francine, you get profound clarity of your goals, make quick decisions and get the structure and discipline you need to get to the next level in your business and your life.

She has trained, advised and mentored hundreds of business leaders and professionals across the world to get clarity with their vision, clarify their message, and position themselves as an authority in their industry with impactful and purposeful personal branding.

With 25+ years of multidisciplinary corporate and entrepreneurial business experience across the world, she has developed an integrated approach to deliver results including mindset, business strategies, lifestyle design and change management to help people adapt rapidly to fast-moving changes.

Francine is also a certified flow consultant and partner of Entrepreneur Insitute, the world’s No. 1 Entrepreneur Education Platform with over 1.5 million entrepreneurs.

She has attracted many speaking opportunities across the world and featured in top media publications using the same strategy and the 7-pillar framework, YEANNIC, she will show you in this program.

Her integrated approach helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs to get more meaning in life doing what they love, make the money they deserve and turn their business into a movement that impacts the lives of thousands globally.

This Is Your Last Chance

You’re running out of web page! Don’t waste another year moving one inch in every direction. Book your 1-on-1 roadmapping session now:

My 100% Money-Back Guarantee: If you follow my advice and don’t see results, I’ll refund your money in full.

Still not sure? Send me an email at and we can set up a time to chat.

Availability Is Limited

I’m only available for a few live 1-on-1 roadmapping sessions per month.

Scheduling is on a first-come, first-served basis. The sooner you apply, the sooner you will have the answers you need to get your business unstuck.