The Personal Branding for Impact (PBI): 3-month Program

Have you pivoted your business and are looking to reinvent yourself with a renewed identity? Do you want to establish a strong online presence, increase your visibility, and attract your ideal customers?

The Personal Branding for Impact: 3-month Program is designed to help you get a new level of clarity and momentum in the digital space.

I will show you how to create a unique identity, identify your ideal clients and create a compelling message that connects with the right audience. I’ll work with you to develop your Personal Branding for Impact to position yourself as the authority in your field, attract your ideal clients and impact thousands globally.

Join The Personal Branding for Impact 3-month Program Now.

Join Francine Beleyi, Digital Strategist and Personal Branding Expert and Founder of nucleus of change “Personal Branding for Impact(PBI): 3-month Program” to reset and grow your business and align your life’s priorities so you can finally achieve a lifestyle you love.

  • You have the knowledge, skills and expertise and yet you struggle to get in front of your ideal client and get paid what you’re worth
  • You want to reach financial independence so you can live your ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the lives of others.
  • You want a trusted accountability partner to brainstorm ideas and to support you to achieve higher goals.

If you answer yes to one or more of these sentences and are committed to breaking the mould of your conditioning that is preventing you from achieving bigger goals in life and your business, you need to join the Personal Branding for Impact (PBI) 3-month Program.

What is the Personal Branding for Impact: 3-month Program?

The Personal Branding for Impact TM (PBI) 3-month Program is a comprehensive program that covers all the seven steps of building a personal brand to grow your business with personal guidance and mentoring to lead you towards consistent revenues and predictable growth.

In this Personal Branding for Impact TM 3-month Program, you will:

  • Clarify your identity and craft a message that connects and speaks to your ideal clients.
  • Evaluate and optimise your value-based products and services to create a clear customer pathway
  • Discover who you are, your why: what drives you in life to help you build a strong purpose-driven business
  • Receive structure, support and accountability that focuses on your strengths in a nurturing way to help you get to the next level of your success.
  • Burst out the overwhelm, procrastination and perfectionism you’ve been experiencing that keep you from rising to your greatness.

Seven reasons to join
The Personal Branding for Impact 3-month Program

What We Will Work On

The Curriculum

Module 1 Know Yourself

Define and articulate who you are with clarity and confidence. It requires you to be crystal clear about yourself, your passion and your motivation. Clearly define your life purpose, your vision, your mission, your values and what is important to you. Discover your path of least resistance with the Wealth Dynamics test and your entrepreneur level and decide where you want to be in the next 12 months. Write your Personal Mission Statement that will serve as your north star and compass throughout your entrepreneurial journey and keep you going even in tough times.

Module 2 Master Your Expertise

Following your passion is not enough, and without real expertise, no one cares about what you have to say. You’ll get to clarify your Passions, Interests & Skills (PIS) and find an overarching theme if you have multiple passions. You’ll also find your Uniqueness and determine your Ikigai, your raison d’etre as well as getting clear about your internal value by identifying your strengths & weaknesses.

Module 3  Know Your Audience

Identify your ideal customers who have the money to pay you for your products and services and understand their deep pains/dreams. Create your Avatar or Customer persona. Define the specific problem you solve for your avatar that makes them want to buy your solution. Clearly articulate why you are the right person to solve this problem for your client.

Module 4 Lead Your Niche

You’ll define your playground and position yourself in a profitable micro-niche you want to dominate. You’ll define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that tells how you deliver fantastic value to your client and create a compelling and irresistible offer that delights your avatar. You’ll also learn how to position your product and service as a Premium Brand and stop charging low fees.

Module 5 Control Your Image

We will define your visual branding’s key elements and create a Brand Guidelines with your preferred colours, style, images, and tone of voice. You’ll take these guidelines to your logo and web designers to create a logo and a website representing your vision and who you are. You’ll also learn how to use Canva to create beautiful graphics for website, presentations, and social media.

Module 6 Connect With Empathy

Create a communication and content strategy that brings to life everything we’ve defined previously. You’ll select your primary way of communication and your key social media channels. Learn how to create a powerful & profitable presence online. Transform your LinkedIn profile into an attractive landing page to help you grow your influence, attract the people you want, find lucrative leads and be seen as the expert in your field. You’ll also learn the power of storytelling, create your Monetisation Strategy by selecting the right digital assets and Design a launch strategy to promote your new offering to the market.

Module 7 Build Your Community

Put the strategies to make sure you are creating a community that you can leverage. You’ll learn how to put in place the structure to attract a consistent flow of ideal clients and nurture them so that you can transform your following into prospects and into paying clients and into raving fans. Learn how to create the right team of people to focus on what you deliver the most value to. Discover also some powerful leverage strategies to grow your business faster.

Join now to secure your place and transform your business

francine Beleyi

Hi, I am Francine Beleyi, Digital & Marketing Strategist and founder of nucleus of change. What we took for granted a few years ago is no longer business as usual.

The whole society has been affected by the Covid Cris, the emergence of generative AI and the disruptions are coming from all corners. Businesses are going bust, marketplaces and relationships are redefined with new ways of doing business!

Whilst it’s still uncertain where the world is going, we see many businesses reinvent themselves and their industries. Now is not the time to stay alone and try to figure things out by yourself.

Some businesses are doing very well whilst others are struggling. Those who are thriving have pivotted quickly and realigned to follow their clients’ changing needs.

People want to go to sources, people and businesses that they trust.

How are you making sure that you as the founder and your business stand out in the middle of all this noise and chaos?

Perhaps you have great products or services, but nobody knows about you. So you are finding it harder and harder to attract the clients you want.

The good news is that with all crisis, there are also opportunities. Those willing to take care of and inspire their clients with a new sense of possibility are winning. And the fastest way to build that trust is by developing an Impactful Personal Brand.

This is why I have created the Personal Branding for Impact (PBI)TM 3-month Program to help entrepreneurs and business owners to reset, relaunch and get to the next level in 90 days by building a Personal Branding for Impact.

In the past few years, I’ve dedicated my time to creating a solution to help entrepreneurs like you stand out and be visible to their ideal clients, grow their businesses and make the impact they yearn to make.

When you join this 3-month Program, you will experience a holistic way to look at your life and business and realign all aspects of living a more fulfilled life.

Whether you are a one-person freelancer, a founder of a small organisation or the CEO of a larger organisation looking for a new way out of the crisis and a new way of operating from your authentic self, this program will bring you what you need.

You will have the guidance and support to design and implement your personalised roadmap.

We’re opening only 5 spots for this quarter. So get in before it’s fully booked.

I’ll see you on the other side.

Lots of love

Who should join The Personal Branding for Impact 3-month Program?


You are a freelancer, self-employed or an employee looking to reinvent yourself and your business and create a new income stream doing what you love.


You are a small business owner looking for the best way to bring your existing business online or take your digital business to the next level.


You are ready to take advantage of new opportunities in the current marketplace doing what you love and get paid well for it.

What people are saying

I have been working with Francine to help me with my digital strategy, and I cannot begin to tell you how much the experience has helped me to completely redefine my business. Through her professional and dedicated approach, and her sharp and intuitive perception she has helped me to clarify my messaging and communication and bring more focus into my personal brand.

Nicola Lucie, Founder of The Feminine Principle 

Working with Francine has helped me focus the direction of my business; I have always felt respected, supported and encouraged to trust my own instincts. I always trust her judgement. I would highly recommend working with Francine. She has given me the confidence in myself to grow and expand my business, while advising and supporting me throughout our relationship.

Nina Gilbey, Founder of London Jewellery Workshop

francine Beleyi

Your Trainer-Mentor: Francine Beleyi

Francine Beleyi is an award-winning digital and change strategist, specialised in Personal Branding. She is on a mission to help purpose-driven business leaders to position as an authority in their field with a Trusted Personal Brand. When you work with Francine, you get profound clarity of your goals, make quick decisions and get the structure and discipline you need to get to the next level in your business and your life.

Francine also helps you articulate a clear and profound message that positions you as an authority in your field. You can then easily attract clients you love to work with, make the money you deserve, and impact thousands of people globally.

Francine is the author of the book ‘Personal Branding in a Digital Age: How to become a known expert, thrive and make a difference in a connected age.’

With 20+ years of multidisciplinary corporate and entrepreneurial business experience, she has developed an integrated approach to deliver results including mindset, business strategies, lifestyle design and change management to help people adapt rapidly to fast-moving changes.

She is the founder of nucleus of change and has trained, consulted, and mentored hundreds of individuals and business leaders across the world at critical moments in their lives. Francine is a sought-after international speaker and host of the Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life Podcast.

The Personal Branding for Impact (PBI): 3-month Program

Join Francine Beleyi, Personal Branding Expert in the Personal Branding for Impact (PBI):3-month Program” and start showing up powerfully in the world.