Personal Branding in the Digital Age: How to Become a Known Expert, Thrive and Make a Difference in a Connected World’ by Francine Beleyi

What does it take to thrive as a professional, expert or business owner in the digital age? 81% of all buyers turn to the Internet to research the products and services they want. The question is: can you make yourself stand out during this search? This is where your ‘personal brand’ comes in. But how do you sell when you are the product?

Francine found common patterns distilled in an easy and clear framework, YEANICC, with seven pillars anyone can use to lead in their chosen field and get highly paid. Each of the pillars is illustrated by real-life stories, case studies, expert tips, thought-provoking exercises and action steps you can implement right now. So if you’ve ever wanted a simple roadmap to build an influential personal brand and live a more rewarding life, this book is for you.

(You’ll also receive the accompanying 80-page playbook to journal your ideas and thoughts to achieve your goals faster)

personal branding in the digital age paperback book

Accelerate Your Business & Career 

Mini Personal Branding Audit

Find out how far you are from becoming a leading voice in your field
Are you an entrepreneur, business owner or professional with the skills, expertise and know-how to solve your client’s problem? Yet, you struggle to be in front of the right customers online?
Request a mini-brand audit session today. It’s a 30-minute complimentary call (value £250) where we will look at where you are now with your brand, where you want to be and together put a plan together on how you will impact thousands of people around the world.