List of Top 20 Inspirational Female from ADIPWE 2011
To mark the 100th anniversary of International women’s day, ADIPWE has compiled the list of the Top 20 Inspirational Female from Africa Diaspora in Europe. The results of the nominations are now available.
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- Jane Wai – Ogosu
- Frances Mensah Williams
- Francine Beleyi
- Freda Muyambo
- Gail Parmell
- Hapsatou Sy
- Ida Horner
- Ify Otuya
- Kanini Mutooni
- Marieme Jamme
- Mukami McCrum MBE
- Naomi Sesay
- Ngozi Edozien
- Nyakio Ndungu
- Rhoda Wilson
- Salha Kaitesi
- Simi Belo
- Tchi Mbouani Ngaliae
- Wendy McLean
To read the press release go to
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To download the full list in pdf version go to Top 20 Inspirational Women of African Diaspora in Europe – 2011 List