Welcome to African Diaspora Professional Women in Europe (ADIPWE)!

A number of top professional African women can be found across Europe and the world. Some of these women have achieved the recognition of their peers but are not visible for the general public, therefore, are not recognised for their contribution and the potential they can bring to Africa development.

This forum is about giving you, professional African women in Europe, a platform to discuss your aspirations, your successes but also the challenges that are preventing you to reach your dreams. You also are welcome to share ideas about what you would like to contribute to Africa development and connect with like-minded 300+ people.

The African Diaspora Professional Women in Europe (ADIPWE) community aim is to :
Celebrate the success of African Women in Europe and in the world
– Give visibility to African Women who have achieved phenomenal success but are still unknown
Inspire the new generation of African Women to be the change they want to see
Contribute to Africa rebranding & development by identifying opportunities to transfer the vast amount of knowledge gained outside the continent

Your contribution is valued. So join in and invite friends, colleagues and acquaintance who are interested in Africa.

Top 20 Inspirational African Diaspora Women in Europe – ADIPWE 2022

ADIPWE 2022 top 20 african women from the diaspora


Top 20 Inspirational African Diaspora Women in Europe – ADIPWE 2021

ADIPWE 2021- African Diaspora Professional Women in Europe

Top 20 Inspirational African Diaspora Women in Europe – ADIPWE 2020

20 Women ADIPWE List 2020 - African Diaspora Professional Women in Europe - IWD2020

Top 20 Inspirational African Diaspora Women in Europe – ADIPWE 2019

Top 20 Inspirational African Diaspora Women in Europe – ADIPWE 2018

Adipwe 2018 top 20 African women list

Top 20 Inspirational African Diaspora Women in Europe – ADIPWE 2016

Top 20 Inspirational African Diaspora Women in Europe – ADIPWE 2015


Top 20 Inspirational African Diaspora Women in Europe – ADIPWE 2014

List of 20 inspirational women

Top 20 Inspirational African Diaspora Women in Europe – ADIPWE 2011